Brazilian Sugaring Services For Better-Looking Skin And Less Painful Hair Removal


Do you have an obsession with hair removal but find waxing and razor shaving uncomfortable? Some people experience extreme pain from waxing, and others may get unsightly razor bumps from shaving. You could benefit from considering Brazilian sugaring services if your hair removal experiences with waxing or shaving have been unpleasant. The following are a few things you will likely appreciate about this hair removal option.

Burn Risks Eliminated

Waxing involves the use of hot wax to remove hairs. Overheated wax can cause burns or scars on the skin. Sugaring involves minimal heat during the hair removal process.

Safe Ingredients

Sugaring involves the use of real sugar, which is combined with water to create a paste. Since it is an all-natural combination, citric acid is also added as a preservative. Check your food labels. Citric acid is a preservative that is found in many pre-packaged foods. 

Easy to Remove

Sometimes during waxing sessions, wax cools and hardens. This can make the wax adhere to skin and be difficult and painful to remove. Sugar is water-soluble, which means any excess sugar paste that is left on your skin can be rinsed or washed away painlessly. 

Less Pain

The temperature of waxing is one source of pain. If the wax removes skin layers, this can also be painful. Sugar paste is considered a gentle solution for hair removal because it does not stick to live skin cells. Instead, the sugaring process gently exfoliates skin and can actually make it smoother. If you have had razor bumps from shaving, those may have also been uncomfortable and left scars. 

Less Irritation

Sugaring does not leave you at risk for bumps or other skin blemishes. Choosing Brazilian sugaring may actually improve the appearance of your skin and reduce the appearance of old scars from shaving and waxing. It can take a while for skin irritation from waxing or shaving to subside, which means redness might be present around areas such as bikini lines for extended lengths of time. If irritation occurs during a sugaring service, it is likely connected to fair skin and the fact that hairs are getting pulled, but any redness should subside within hours. 

A skincare professional such as an esthetician is a good resource to use to determine more benefits of Brazilian sugaring services. They can consult with you about any existing scars that shaving or waxing may have left on your body. They can also give you step-by-step details on how sugaring sessions work so that you can be at ease and know what to expect. Contact a company like Swanky Sugar for additional information.


2 March 2017

Improving The Smell Of My Hair

I have always been a naturally sweaty person, which kind of got in the way when I really started dating. I realized I was going to be left trying to smell my best around the people around me, which really made me nervous. However, a friend of mine told me about a great kind of shampoo that was meant to help people who were struggling with bad odors. The shampoo really improved the smell of my hair, and when I used it every day, it eliminated the issue altogether. This blog is all about improving your hair and skin care by changing up your products.