Thin Hair? Problems You May Have And Tips To Care For Your Hair


Thin hair can feel like a big problem sometimes. Those gorgeous high-volume hairstyles just never work with your hair, and you may even have problems growing out your hair. Read on for other thin hair problems and hair care tips to help your hair.

Thin Hair Problems

If you have thin hair you may have some of these problems with your hair, such as:

  • Constantly doing and re-doing your ponytail, as it slides down constantly or doesn't hold well in the elastic you're using.
  • Hair conditioner may cause your hair to look greasy.
  • Your thin hair may cause your scalp to burn in the sun.
  • After curling or styling your hair, the style may fall out immediately. 
  • Your hair may not grow nearly as quickly as someone with thick hair.

Your hair may be thinning due to age, or it may be due to your diet, or maybe you've just always had thin hair. Whatever the reason for your thinning hair, there are things you can do to encourage thickness and growth. 

Care For Your Thin Hair

Try to change your diet to include more vitamins and minerals, or take a multi-vitamin to give you the vitamins and minerals you need daily. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Other tips to help care for and style your hair include:

  • Use dry shampoo rather than washing your hair every day. Dry shampoo will get rid of your greasy hair without the need for daily washing. 
  • When using conditioner in your hair, only apply it to the ends rather than to the scalp. Only use a very small amount, or skip conditioning your hair and only condition a few times per week.
  • Cut hair short to give the appearance of volume. Shorter cuts such as pixie cuts or cropped bobs are both great styles for thinner hair.
  • Spray your hair with a salt spray to give added volume or even beach waves. Spray the solution in your hair before blow-drying.
  • Blow-dry your hair upside down for added volume.
  • Avoid using products such as wax, gel, or spray gels, as they can weigh down the hair or make your hair appear greasy.

If you have thin hair, you may not have a lot of volume to your hair. Talk to a stylist at your local hair salon about other styles and care tips for your thin hair to give you the style you desire. 


17 July 2018

Improving The Smell Of My Hair

I have always been a naturally sweaty person, which kind of got in the way when I really started dating. I realized I was going to be left trying to smell my best around the people around me, which really made me nervous. However, a friend of mine told me about a great kind of shampoo that was meant to help people who were struggling with bad odors. The shampoo really improved the smell of my hair, and when I used it every day, it eliminated the issue altogether. This blog is all about improving your hair and skin care by changing up your products.